Like any nonprofit, Roots of Life relies on the support of our faithful and fabulous volunteers. Each Sunday, there are *at least* ten opportunities to serve and help make our liturgy happen!
Below are descriptions of the roles we sign volunteers up for each week. If you are interested in filling any of these roles and being a part of our Sunday serving teams, contact [email protected].
We would love to get you plugged in.
The Altar Guild Set Up volunteer acts as a steward and creator for the elements and spaces we use for worship.
Altar Guild Set Up volunteers help create the worship space and prepare the communion elements.
Arrive at 9:30 check-in and receive special instructions for the day.
The Hospitality Volunteer rejuvenates the community by providing sustenance to the congregation.
Hospitality volunteers set up and put away hot water and tea, and coffee and bring a snack to share, fruit or healthy option. Roots has paper cups, small paper plates, and napkins available. Arrive and have table ready by 10:00. Reset hospitality table after service by putting away plates, cups, etc.
The Lector/Intercessor proclaims the word of God to the community.
Readers are asked to read scripture, lead the prayers, and help with other spoken parts. There are 2-3 slots each Sunday for this. The Ushers act as a host for the worship event, welcoming people at the door, helping to find extra seating, carrying the offering plates and offering the cup during eucharist.
Ushers greet people at the door as well as assist with communion and offering.
Arrive by 10:00 to check-in and greet guests.
The Bread Baker nourishes our community by making this spiritual bread to feed our souls.
This volunteer makes the bread for Eucharist. The recipe can be found here.
Other volunteer opportunities:
- Create Open Space stations for engagement
- Monitor the congregation in case anyone needs help during the service
- Offer Music
- Write original prayers
- Help with our childrens programming
- Etc, etc.