Roots of Life Lutheran Church is a Member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
As a denomination, we are a church that shares a living daring confidence in God’s grace! We are rooted in Scripture, tradition, the Lutheran Confessions and the rich histories of our differing congregations. We claim, no… we engage with the idea that we are made New everyday to proclaim Jesus Christ and boldly participate in God’s work. Our forefather Martin Luther exclaimed this faith is a living, busy active and mighty thing!
The ELCA is celebrating 25 years this year, and we at Roots of Life look forward to engaging with the larger church to make a difference in the world. The ELCA is committed to World Missions, including hunger issues, stamping out malaria and being there for disaster relief. The ELCA is committed to justice and reconciliation for the sake of Jesus Christ. Partnering with other faith and denominations we are praying and working for peace.
For more information please visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website.